Acupuncturists and acupuncture students are not taught how to plan, grow and integrate their in-person, clinic business with a robust, income-generating online presence. When set up properly, your in-person and online businesses work seamlessly together FOR you, so you can keep doing what you love without getting bogged down in - or overspending on - web designers and techie stuff.
Enjoy these video trainings (while they're still FREE) to get some inspiration. For step-by-step instructions on how to get both of your businesses working together to consistently generate new patients and revenue, get access to my exclusive Add Online Income Program! 📣
Acupuncturists are positioned to be excellent Amazon Affiliates. You just don't know it YET! This training provides the steps to get signed up the RIGHT WAY and start earning affiliate commissions without feeling sales-y.
Video: "From Classroom To Cashflow"
Acupuncturists are positioned to be excellent Amazon Affiliates. You just don't know it YET! This training provides the steps to get signed up the RIGHT WAY and start earning affiliate commissions without feeling sales-y.
"Tips for recording a webinar?" - this question prompted a lively discussion in the ABA group and here's the result: My favorite video editor (and recording software) is DESCRIPT. I even edited this video using Descript so you can experience some of the fun features. Whether you are creating long-form content for classes or short form video content for social media, check out Descript! ➡ Link to Descript's Free Sign up
There's a HUGE difference between a web PLATFORM versus a web SITE. This training shows you how to set up your Web PLATFORM and start building pages, funnels, websites and email lists - all while you're still in school!
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Disclaimer: Running a successful business takes work. The information, resources and trainings shared on this website and within these programs are not presenting a business opportunity or some kind of "get-rich-quick" opportunity. There are no guarantees, promises, representations, or assurances concerning the level of success you may or may not experience. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual efforts, abilities, business experience, resourcefulness, and level of determination. Testimonials and case study examples do not apply to all people and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. You are on this page because you want to improve your skills and knowledge to learn more about leveraging the internet and technology for your existing business.
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